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Orchid Power Point Programs (SWROGA)

      For information on availability ot these programs
 contact Greg Tompkins - email:


1.     "THE ASCOCENTRUM INFLUENCE”.                                                  By Steve McNerney

        PP Presentation                       42 Slides

        Introduction of Ascocentrums into traditional Vanda breeding lines and how they have established the hybrids we know today. As         an update, in 2013 all Ascocentrums were recatagorized as Vandas.

2.      "POPULAR CATTLEYAS Part One"                                                       By Carolyn McCabe

         PP Presentation          39 slides

         Good photography of awarded orchids of general interest. This is a good program for beginners groups or garden clubs.

3.      "POPULAR CATTLYAS Part Two"                                                         By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation          28 Slides

         Good photography of awarded orchids of general interest. This is a good program for beginners groups or garden clubs.

4.      “MAINSTREAM CATTLEYAS”                                                              By Wes Brocaw

         PP Presentation          39   slides

         This program concentrates on the large labiate Cattleyas.

5.      AWARDED MINIATURE ORCHID SPECIES                                         By Phil Andrews

         PP Presentation          45   Slides

         A selection of AOS awarded miniature orchids that have vegetative parts less than six inches in height with no limitation on the            size or height of the flower.

6.      "AN INTRODUCTION TO MINIATURE ORCHIDS -                             By Tom McIntosh

          PP Presentation          56   Slides

         A close up view of the flowers of some of the very interesting miniature orchids. Superb photography of these small blooms.

7.      "CORSAGES BY LEE"                                                                By Lee and Claude Ward

          PP Presentation          59   slides

          Examples of corsages and supplies in pictures.

8.      "EXOTIC ANGRAECUMS- SPECIES AND HYBRIDS"                                         By Jerry & Ronnie Brandenburg                                                    PP Presentation           31 slides

        An in-depth study of Angraecums. Cultural information is included. Program is geared to the more serious student but can be enjoyed by all.

9.      " BREEDING TRENDS IN YELLOW AND GREEN CATTLEYAS"                  By Bob Webster

         PP Presentation            57 slides

        A basic understanding of yellow and green breeding in Cattleyas during the late 1970's. It is great to compare these plants with           what is available today. Are they better or not? Let your society members view the program and then discuss the "advances" that         have been made.

10.     CULTIVATED PHALAENOPSIS SPECIES                                           By Wilson Smith

          PP Presentation                   36 Slides

           A good variety of Phal. Species.

11.     PAPHIOPEDILUM ROSTHSCHILDIANUM "KING OF THE PAPHS" AND IT'S HYBRIDS                                                                                                   PP Presentation            74 slides                                            By Carolyn McCabe

12.     "WHAT IS AN ORCHID"                                                                    By Carolyn McCabe

            PP Presentation            64 Slides

           Basic information about orchids and orchid growing. Good novice program.

13.     ORCHID PESTS AND DISEASES                                                          By Sue Bottom

            PP Presentation             93 Slides with animation

            Long but well-arranged program. Should probably be done in two sessions.

14.     USING GREENHOUSE SPACE MORE EFFICIENTLY                        By Downs Matthews

          PP Presentation                   58 Slides

           Ideas on increasing your orchid growing space without building a new greenhouse.

15.     THE GENUS CATASETUM SPECIES                                                   By Berniece Miller

          PP Presentation                   39 Slides

         A look at Catasetum Species.

16.     FRAGRANT ORCHID SPECIES - PART ONE                                      By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation                   50 Slides

          A good look at some of the varieties available of fragrant orchids to try at home. (A-C)

17.     FRAGRANT ORCHID SPECIES - PART TWO                                     By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation                   45 Slides

          A good look at some of the varieties available of fragrant orchids to try at home. (D-Z)

18.     ORCHID GROWING IN THE HOUSE                                                   By Jana Butcher

          PP Presentation                   50 Slides

          Some good examples for new members on how to better grow orchids in the house

19.     EQUITANT ONCIDIUM SPECIES                                                         By Anita Aldrich

          PP Presentation                   45 Slides

          A look at a variety of Oncidium Species.

20.      CULTURING EQUITANT ONCIDIUMS                                                By Anita Aldrich

           PP Presentation          42 Slides

          This is a good culture program for both novice and grower.

21.      A LOOK AT LYCASTES                                                                        By Berry Woodson

           PP Presentation          44 Slides

          Here is an opportunity to expand your knowledge beyond the most commonly grown species of this interesting genus. The text             is within the scope of all except the absolute beginner.

22.      AMERICAN ORCHID SOCIETY "AN ORCHID QUIZ"                                   By AOS

           PP Presentation          114 Slides

          A good program that is both fun and educational that emphasizes selected species that are in wide cultivation.


           PP Presentation          33 Slides

           Informative script and pictures that gives suggestions on "how to do it" This program and Program 24 can be given at the same           session

24.      LET'S MERISTEM A CATTLEYA                                                        By Claudia Tiemann

           PP Presentation            22 Slides

           Informative script and pictures that gives suggestions on "how to do it" This program and Program 23 can be given at the same            session.

25.      ANYONE FOR KEIKES?                                                                       By Claude Ward

           PP Presentation            41 Slides

           An introduction to the use of Benzylaminopurine (BAP) to induce keikis or inflorescence in Phalaenopsis orchids.

26.      ORCHID PESTS AND DISEASES                                                          By Bob Webster

           PP Presentation            53 Slides

27.      A LOOK AT MEXICAN ENCYCLIAS                                                   By Tom McIntosh

           PP Presentation            26 Slides

28.      MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS                                              By Dr. Kiat Tan

           PP Presentation            83 Slides

          A historical look at the Selby Botanical Gardens from the desk of rDr. Tan.

29.     BROUGHTONIA AND ALLIED SPECIES AND HYBRIDS By John Kramer PP Presentation             

          A look at this often overlooked Genera.                36 slides

30.     JUDGING CATTLEYAS                                                                         By Frank Zachariah

          PP Presentation            95 Slides

          A very through and interesting look at the methods of determining if your orchid bloom is good enough to receive an

          AOS       Award.

31.     WHAT'S UP WITH VANDAS?                                                               By Carolyn McCabe

         PP Presentation 48 Slides

         A good look at the results of a variety of hybridized primary and intergeneric vandaceous crosses.

32.    THE RUPICOLOUS LAELIAS; SECTION PARVIFLORAE By Colette Chapman, Terrie Johnson, and Kerry Rose

         PP Presentation          59 Slides

         A good look at this species, its habitat and hybrids. An excellent program for beginners and old-times alike.

33.    THE SECRET LIFE OR ORCHIDS                                                        By Andy Harding

         PP Presentation          64 Slides

         A very interesting look at orchid pests, orchid reproductive parts, and growing mediums. Wonderful pictures.

34.     JUDGING THE GENUS STELIS                                                            By Sarah Pratt

          PP Presentation          61 Slides

          A through introduction of this small and unique Species.

35.    VANDA LAMELLATA VAR. BOXALLII                                              By Howard Brown

         PP Presentation          46 Slides

        A good look at this very fragrant Species and its offspring.

36.    ORCHID ESSENTIALS                                                                          By Frank Zachariah

        PP Presentation           103 Slides

        A program perfect for new growers. Gives a complete overview of environmental factors to consider for ultimate orchid growth           and flowering.

37.     CYNORKIS                                                                                             By Bryon Rinke

         PP Presentation            49 Slides

         A look at this interesting genus native to tropical and Southern Africa, Madagascar, and the Indian Ocean Islands.

38.     NATIVE ORCHIDS OF ARKANSAS                                                      By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation            48 Slides

          A look at 46 native orchids of Arkansas, many of which are endangered.

39.    NATIVE ORCHIDS OF KANSAS                                                           By Carolyn McCabe

         PP Presentation            40 Slides

         A look at 19 native orchids of Kansas, many of which are endangered.

40.     NATIVE ORCHIDS OF OKLAHOMA                                                   By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation            41 Slides

          A look at 34 native orchids of Oklahoma, many of which are endangered.

41.     NATIVE ORCHIDS OF TEXAS                                                             By Carolyn McCabe

          PP Presentation            62 Slides

         A look at 59 native orchids of Texas, many of which are endangered.

42.    NATIVE ORCHIDS OF LOUISIANA                                                    By Carolyn McCabe

         PP Presentation 71 Slides

         A look at 43 native orchids of Arkansas, many of which are endangered plus the project to restore one of the rarest and most                spectacular orchids native to the region,  the Cypripedium kentuckiense.

43.      177 YEARS OF PHRAGS            PDF Presentation                                          By Derek Lowenstein


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